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lob programmable direct mail

lob programmable direct mail

16-03-2023 Hit : 90

Lob is a company that provides a suite of APIs for printing and mailing physical documents, including direct mail. With Lob's APIs, developers can programmatically create and send direct mail campaigns, such as postcards, letters, and flyers, to targeted recipients.

To use Lob's programmable direct mail API, you will need to sign up for a Lob account and obtain an API key. Once you have an API key, you can integrate Lob's API into your application or website.

To create a direct mail campaign, you will need to provide Lob with the content of the mail piece, including the recipient's name and address. You can either upload a PDF file or use Lob's HTML templates to generate the mail piece.

Lob also provides tools for targeting specific recipients based on demographic data, such as age, income, or location. You can use Lob's API to pull data from your own database or use third-party data providers to target your direct mail campaigns.

Overall, Lob's programmable direct mail API can be a powerful tool for businesses looking to reach customers through targeted and personalized physical mail pieces.