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watergate primary source worksheet

watergate primary source worksheet

16-03-2023 Hit : 136

Sure, I can provide a worksheet on primary sources related to the Watergate scandal:

  1. Name of primary source: Nixon’s resignation speech Date: August 8, 1974 Summary: In this speech, President Nixon announced his resignation from the presidency due to the Watergate scandal. He addressed the nation and explained his decision to step down, apologizing for his actions and expressing his hopes for the future.

  2. Name of primary source: The Watergate Tapes Date: Recorded between 1971 and 1973 Summary: The Watergate tapes are a collection of audio recordings of conversations between President Nixon and his staff, made in secret in the Oval Office. They were discovered during the investigation into the Watergate scandal and played a key role in revealing the extent of Nixon’s involvement in the cover-up.

  3. Name of primary source: The Watergate Hearings Date: May 17 - August 7, 1973 Summary: The Watergate hearings were a series of Senate hearings conducted by the Senate Watergate Committee to investigate the Watergate scandal. The hearings were broadcast on live television and featured testimony from key figures involved in the scandal, including former White House counsel John Dean and former Nixon aide Alexander Butterfield.

  4. Name of primary source: The Pentagon Papers Date: 1971 Summary: The Pentagon Papers were a classified report on the history of U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War, leaked to the New York Times by whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg. The publication of the papers sparked controversy and led to a Supreme Court ruling affirming the right of the press to publish classified information.

  5. Name of primary source: The Saturday Night Massacre Date: October 20, 1973 Summary: The Saturday Night Massacre was a series of events that occurred when President Nixon ordered Attorney General Elliot Richardson to fire Special Prosecutor Archibald Cox, who was investigating the Watergate scandal. Both Richardson and Deputy Attorney General William Ruckelshaus resigned in protest rather than carry out the order.

Worksheet Questions:

  1. What was the Watergate scandal?
  2. What was President Nixon's reaction to the scandal?
  3. What were the Watergate tapes, and how did they contribute to the investigation?
  4. Who conducted the Watergate hearings, and what was their purpose?
  5. What were the Pentagon Papers, and why were they controversial?
  6. What was the Saturday Night Massacre, and why did it occur?
  7. How did the Watergate scandal impact American politics and society?