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The Rise and Fall of Woolco: A Look at the History and Locations of the Canadian Department Store

The Rise and Fall of Woolco: A Look at the History and Locations of the Canadian Department Store

20-04-2008 Hit : 944

The Rise and Fall of Woolco: A Look at the History and Locations of the Canadian Department Store

Woolco department stores were once a fixture in the retail world. The stores were known for their affordable prices and extensive selection of merchandise. The history of Woolco dates back to the early 1960s, when it was founded by the F. W. Woolworth Company.

Woolco was originally launched in the United States as a way for the Woolworth Company to compete with discount stores like Kmart. The concept was successful in the US, and soon Woolco stores were popping up in Canada as well. By the mid-1970s, there were over 300 Woolco stores in North America.

Woolco Canada was particularly successful. At its peak, there were over 120 Woolco stores across the country. The stores were known for their bargain prices and friendly, knowledgeable staff. Woolco locations could be found in nearly every major city in Canada.

Unfortunately, the success of Woolco was short-lived. In the 1980s, the retail landscape began to change. Walmart, which had started in the US, began to expand into Canada. The arrival of Walmart, with its even lower prices, put pressure on other retailers to keep up. Woolco was no exception.

Woolco closing began in the 1990s. The stores were no longer profitable, and the F. W. Woolworth Company decided to close them down. The last Woolco stores in Canada closed in 1994. The company was sold to Walmart, which took over many of the former Woolco locations.

Today, Woolco stores are a thing of the past. However, their legacy lives on in the memories of those who remember shopping at Woolco. For many Canadians, Woolco was a part of their childhood and their family's history.

It's important to remember the impact that Woolco had on the retail industry. The stores were pioneers in discount retail, and they helped pave the way for other retailers like Walmart and Target.

Despite Woolco's demise, there is still much we can learn from the company. Woolco was known for its commitment to customer service and its dedication to providing quality products at affordable prices. These are values that any successful retailer should strive to emulate.

It is also worth noting that retail is a constantly evolving industry. What worked in the past may not work today, and what works today may not work in the future. The key to success, then, is to remain nimble and adaptable, always looking for new ways to reach customers and provide value.

In conclusion, Woolco department stores were once a beloved part of the Canadian retail landscape. Although the stores are gone, their legacy lives on. We can learn much from the company's commitment to customer service and affordable prices, and we can appreciate the impact that Woolco had on the retail industry as a whole.

Woolco department store

During its peak, Woolco had over 800 stores in North America, making it one of the largest retail chains in the region. The department store was known for its large size and wide selection of products, which attracted a diverse range of customers.

Despite its popularity, Woolco faced stiff competition from other retail chains such as Walmart and Kmart, which began to expand rapidly during the 1980s. As a result, Woolco struggled to maintain profits and was eventually sold to Walmart in 1994.

While the chain may no longer exist, the impact of Woolco on the retail industry is still felt today. The company's innovative approach to retail merchandising and low-price strategy influenced many of the large-scale retail chains that exist today, such as Target and Costco.

One of the key factors that made Woolco successful was its focus on customer needs. The chain adopted a customer-centric approach, providing shoppers with a wide range of products at competitive prices. Woolco stores were designed to be easily navigable, with clear signage and product displays that made it easy for customers to find what they were looking for.

In addition, Woolco was known for its commitment to quality. The chain's buyers were carefully selected and instructed to seek out the best merchandise at the lowest prices, ensuring that customers received products that met their expectations. This attention to detail helped build trust with customers, ultimately leading to repeat business and loyalty.

Another aspect that set Woolco apart was its innovative approach to retail merchandising. The company created themed displays, featuring products that complemented one another. For instance, a summer-themed display would feature outdoor furniture, grills, and cooling appliances. This approach not only made it easier for shoppers to find what they were looking for, but it also encouraged them to purchase complementary products and increase their spending.

Overall, Woolco department store was a pioneer in the retail industry, offering customers a variety of merchandise at reasonable prices. Its customer-focused approach, commitment to quality, and innovative merchandising techniques set the bar for the industry and inspired many other retail chains to follow in its footsteps.

As students, what lessons can we learn from Woolco's success?

As students, there are several lessons that we can learn from Woolco's success. Firstly, the importance of customer satisfaction cannot be overstated. To succeed in any business, it is essential to focus on the needs of the customer and provide products that meet their expectations.

Secondly, quality is key. If customers do not trust that the products they are purchasing are of the highest quality, they will quickly take their business elsewhere. As buyers, we must be diligent in selecting products that meet the highest standards and are appropriate for our target market.

Lastly, we can learn the importance of innovation. As Woolco's success demonstrates, being innovative can help set a business apart from the competition and attract customers. By thinking creatively and adopting new approaches to merchandising or marketing, businesses can gain a competitive edge and ultimately achieve success.

In conclusion,

Woolco department store was a significant player in the retail industry, offering a wide range of products at competitive prices to customers across North America. Its success was due to its customer-centric approach, commitment to quality, and innovative merchandising techniques. While Woolco may no longer exist, its legacy is still felt in the retail industry today, and its lessons can be applied to any business seeking to succeed.

History of Woolco

Woolco was known for its low prices and large selection of merchandise. The company offered a wide range of products, including clothing, home goods, toys, and electronics. Many customers enjoyed shopping at Woolco because they could find everything they needed at affordable prices.

During the 1970s, Woolco experienced significant growth. The company expanded its operations to more than 500 stores in both Canada and the United States. Woolco stores were often located in suburban areas and shopping malls, making them easily accessible to customers.

However, in the 1980s, Woolco began to experience financial difficulties. The company faced intense competition from discount department store chains such as Kmart and Walmart. Additionally, the company struggled to keep up with changing consumer tastes and preferences.

In 1983, the Woolworth Company decided to sell Woolco to the Canadian company, The F. W. Woolworth Co. of Canada Ltd. While the Woolco stores continued to operate for several years under the new ownership, they eventually began to close due to declining sales and profitability.

Today, very few Woolco stores remain in operation. However, the legacy of Woolco lives on through the memories of its many loyal customers. Many people remember shopping at Woolco during the 1960s and 1970s and appreciate the store's dedication to affordability and convenience.

Overall, Woolco was an important part of the retail landscape in North America during the 1960s, 1970s, and early 1980s. The company provided customers with access to a wide range of products at low prices and helped to shape the way that many people shopped during this time period. While Woolco is no longer in operation, its impact on the retail industry and on American and Canadian society as a whole cannot be understated.

Woolco Canada

The company was initially established in 1967 as a subsidiary of the United States-based retail giant, Woolworths. Its first store opened in the city of Hamilton, Ontario, and it quickly expanded across Canada. Woolco Canada was particularly popular in the 1970s and 1980s, as it offered a wide variety of merchandise at deeply discounted prices.

By the early 1990s, however, Woolco Canada was facing stiff competition from other discount retailers such as Walmart and Zellers. The company began to struggle financially, and in 1994, it was sold to the Walmart Corporation. Walmart eventually shut down all Woolco Canada stores and rebranded them as Walmart stores.

Despite its relatively short lifespan, Woolco Canada left an indelible mark on the retail industry in Canada. The company pioneered the concept of discount retailing in the country and paved the way for other retailers to follow in its footsteps.

Establishment 1967
Parent Company Woolworths
Headquarters Hamilton, Ontario
Popular Era 1970s-1980s
Reason for Closure Competition from Walmart and Zellers

As educators, it is important to discuss the impact of businesses such as Woolco Canada on the Canadian economy and culture. Students should be encouraged to explore the ways in which retailers like Woolco Canada influenced consumer behaviour and preferences, as well as the ways in which the company's closure impacted Canada's retail landscape.

Overall, Woolco Canada's legacy continues to be felt in Canada today. While the stores may be long gone, the company's impact on the Canadian retail industry will not be forgotten. As we continue to educate our students about Canadian businesses and their significance, it is important to remember the contributions of retailers like Woolco Canada, and the ways in which they shaped Canada's economy and culture.

Woolco locations

The Woolco chain had a total of 120 locations across the country. These stores were characterized by their large size, featuring an average of 120,000 square feet of retail space. In other words, if you visited Woolco in its heyday, you were in for a shopping experience like no other.

When the first Woolco store opened its doors in Scarborough, Ontario in 1960, it was seen as a bold venture by its parent company, Woolworths. Woolworths had a long and illustrious history in North America, having started operations in the early 1900s. However, a new breed of American discount stores, such as Zayre, Ames Department Stores and Kmart, had emerged in the 1950s and were steadily gaining popularity.

Woolworths decided to enter the discount retail market with a new chain of stores. Woolco was born - a name that was a combination of Woolworths and discount. The first Woolco stores were a hit, featuring a wide range of merchandise, a self-service format, and low prices. Customers loved the fact that they could get so much for so little.

Woolco's success inspired Woolworths to expand the chain rapidly across Canada. By the end of the 1960s, Woolco had over 30 stores across the country, and by the mid-1970s, that number had risen to over 100. The chain was seen as a serious competitor to other department store giants such as Eaton's and The Bay.

However, by the late 1970s, Woolco started to experience challenges that would ultimately lead to the demise of the chain. One of the biggest issues was its inability to adapt to changing retail trends. The emergence of shopping malls in the 1970s meant that customers were more interested in smaller, intimate stores that offered specialized merchandise. Woolco's large, one-size-fits-all approach to retailing was no longer appealing to consumers.

Furthermore, the arrival of American discount chains such as Walmart and Target in Canada in the early 1980s meant that Canadian consumers suddenly had more shopping options. These new stores were fresher, more modern, and had a wider range of goods, all at lower prices. Many Canadians abandoned Woolco in favour of these new discount stores.

Woolco struggled to compete and failed to maintain its market share. In 1982, Woolworths announced that it would be closing all 120 Woolco stores across Canada. This decision marked the end of an era in Canadian retail history.

Today, if you try to locate a Woolco store in Canada, you will be disappointed. The stores have long since been demolished or repurposed. However, there are still many Canadians who have fond memories of shopping at Woolco. The chain may be gone, but it will always have a place in the hearts of those who remember it.

Woolco closing

This news has come as a shock to many people, especially those who rely on Woolco for their day-to-day shopping needs. The announcement has left many wondering what prompted the chain to take such a drastic step.

Woolco has been a steadfast fixture in the retail industry for many years. Founded in 1961, the chain has grown from strength to strength, with stores in many parts of Canada and the United States. Its brand name has been synonymous with quality products, reasonable prices, and excellent customer service.

Despite this, Woolco has not been immune to the challenges faced by retailers in recent times. Changing consumer habits, increased competition, and the rise of online shopping have all contributed to a decline in sales figures for the chain.

As a result, Woolco has been forced to reevaluate its business strategy and make tough decisions to ensure its viability in the long run. Unfortunately, this has meant closing down some of its stores and laying off some of its employees.

This move by Woolco has not gone unnoticed by its customers. Many have expressed their disappointment and dissatisfaction at the news, highlighting the chain's importance in their lives. Some have cited the convenience and affordability of the stores' products, while others have praised the excellent customer service provided by employees.

While the closure of Woolco stores is undoubtedly a setback, it is essential to note that the retail industry is constantly evolving. The challenges faced by retailers today are not unique, and many are finding innovative ways to stay relevant and prosper amidst the changing landscape.

It is imperative for businesses to take proactive steps in addressing the challenges posed by the current environment, just as Woolco has done. This may involve utilizing technology to enhance the shopping experience, diversifying products and services, or streamlining operations to reduce costs and improve efficiency.

Moreover, while the closure of Woolco stores may be difficult for some, it offers an opportunity for growth and development in other areas. Alternative retailers may benefit from Woolco's exit from the market, as customers seek out similar products and services.

In conclusion, the closure of Woolco stores is indeed a significant development in the retail industry. However, it is not necessarily a negative one. It offers an opportunity for businesses to learn and adapt to changing circumstances proactively. So, while it may be difficult to bid farewell to Woolco, it is essential to look towards the future with optimism and embrace the challenges ahead.

Woolco stores

Woolco stores were a well-known chain of discount department stores that were once a popular shopping destination for many Canadians. These stores were established in 1964 by the Woolworth Company, and they quickly became known for their wide variety of products and affordable prices.

At its peak, there were 120 Woolco stores across Canada, and they employed over 19,000 people. However, despite their initial success, Woolco stores began to struggle in the 1980s due to increased competition from other discount retailers.

In 1994, the Woolworth Company decided to shut down all of its Woolco stores in Canada, and the decision resulted in the loss of thousands of jobs. Today, very few Woolco stores remain, and the brand is mostly known for its historical significance in the retail industry.

The Impact of Woolco Stores on Canadian Retail

Woolco stores played a significant role in shaping the Canadian retail industry. Their success in the 1960s and 1970s led to a rise in discount department stores across the country, and many other retailers followed Woolco's lead by offering similar products at lower prices.

Woolco stores also had a significant impact on Canadian communities. They often served as anchor tenants in shopping malls, and their closure in the 1990s left many malls struggling to fill the void left by their departure.

Despite their eventual demise, Woolco stores are remembered by many Canadians as a beloved shopping destination that offered both quality and affordability. They continue to hold a special place in the memories of those who grew up shopping at these stores.

Year Number of Woolco Stores in Canada
1964 3
1970 54
1980 100
1990 120

The Legacy of Woolco Stores

Although Woolco stores are no longer operating, their legacy endures in many ways. For one, the rise of discount retail that they helped to usher in continues to this day, with many Canadian consumers still looking to save on everyday products.

Additionally, Woolco stores are remembered by many as an important part of their personal histories. The stores offered a unique shopping experience that was affordable and accessible to many Canadians, and they played a significant role in shaping the retail landscape of the country.

Even now, many people are searching for information about Woolco stores, hoping to learn more about this iconic retailer. As such, the legacy of Woolco stores continues to be an important part of Canadian history and culture.


Woolco stores were once a beloved part of the Canadian retail landscape. Despite their eventual decline, these stores played a significant role in shaping the retail industry and the communities that they served.

Although Woolco stores are mostly gone now, they remain an important part of Canadian history and culture, and their legacy lives on in the memories of those who grew up shopping at these stores.

As Canada's retail industry continues to evolve, it's important to remember the impact that Woolco stores had on the industry, and the special place that they hold in the hearts of many Canadians.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Woolco department store?

Woolco department store was a retail chain that operated in the mid to late 20th century. It sold a variety of products, including clothing, electronics, home goods, and groceries.

What is the history of Woolco?

Woolco was founded in the United States in 1962 by the F.W. Woolworth Company. The first Canadian location opened in 1966. The chain grew throughout the 1970s, but faced increasing competition from other retail outlets. The last Woolco stores in Canada closed in 1994.

Where were Woolco locations located?

Woolco had locations across Canada and the United States. At its peak, there were over 120 Woolco stores in Canada alone. Some of the largest locations were in Toronto and Montreal.

Why did Woolco close?

Woolco struggled to compete with other retail chains, particularly discount stores like Walmart. In the early 1990s, the F.W. Woolworth Company sold off the Woolco chain to Walmart, which converted many of the locations into Walmart stores. The last Canadian Woolco stores closed in 1994.

Can you still find Woolco stores?

No, Woolco stores no longer exist in Canada or the United States. However, some former Woolco locations still house Walmart stores today.