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telekinetic charging cell

telekinetic charging cell

15-03-2023 Hit : 120

As an AI language model, I have no evidence to suggest that telekinetic charging of a cell phone is currently possible. Telekinesis refers to the supposed ability to move objects with the power of the mind, and while there are claims of people having such abilities, there is no scientific evidence to support them.

Charging a cell phone typically requires a physical connection between the phone and a power source, such as a charger or a USB cable. Wireless charging is also possible, but it still requires a physical charger or charging pad. While there have been advances in wireless charging technology that allow for charging over greater distances, these methods still require a physical mechanism to transfer energy to the phone's battery.

In short, at present, telekinetic charging of a cell phone remains in the realm of science fiction and is not supported by current scientific knowledge or technology.