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shield charge poe

shield charge poe

14-03-2023 Hit : 136

Shield Charge is a movement skill in the popular action role-playing game, Path of Exile. It is a melee attack that allows the player to charge forward, damaging and pushing enemies out of the way while also providing some defense through the use of a shield.

To use Shield Charge in PoE, you need to have a shield equipped and then assign the skill to your action bar. You can do this by selecting the skill gem and then placing it in an available slot on your skill bar.

Once you have Shield Charge assigned, you can activate it by pressing the corresponding hotkey. The skill will cause your character to charge forward in a straight line, dealing damage to any enemies in your path and knocking them back. The distance of the charge depends on the skill's level and the quality of the shield you are using.

It is worth noting that Shield Charge can also be supported by various support gems, which can enhance its damage or provide additional utility. For example, the Faster Attacks support gem can increase the speed of your Shield Charge, while the Fortify support gem can grant you a defensive buff that reduces incoming damage.

Overall, Shield Charge is a versatile movement skill that can be useful for both offensive and defensive purposes in PoE.