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rimworld charge rifle

rimworld charge rifle

15-03-2023 Hit : 190

In RimWorld, a charge rifle is a type of energy weapon that fires bursts of high-energy plasma at targets. Charge rifles are highly effective against most types of enemies, especially those with low armor values, and they have a relatively long range compared to other types of weapons.

To craft a charge rifle, the player needs to research the Charge Shot technology, which requires 3,000 research points and the Advanced Power Cells technology. Once researched, the player can craft charge rifles at a machining table using 60 steel, 2 advanced components, and 30 Plasteel.

In combat, charge rifles can be used to deal significant damage to enemies, especially if they are used in combination with cover and other defensive tactics. However, they require a significant amount of energy to fire, so it's important to have a reliable power source to keep them running. Additionally, charge rifles are relatively expensive to craft, so players may want to focus on producing them only for their best fighters.