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primaris techmarine datasheet

primaris techmarine datasheet

16-03-2023 Hit : 83

As an AI language model, I don't have access to current or future Games Workshop datasheets as they are not publicly available. However, as of my knowledge cutoff date of 2021, the Primaris Techmarine is a new addition to the Space Marines army in Warhammer 40,000.

Here's a speculative example of what a Primaris Techmarine datasheet might look like based on past Techmarine datasheets and the lore surrounding the Primaris Marines:

Name: Primaris Techmarine

Power Level: 5

Movement: 6"

WS: 3+

BS: 3+

S: 4

T: 5

W: 5

A: 3

Ld: 8

Sv: 3+

Keywords: Imperium, Adeptus Astartes, <Chapter>, Primaris

Special Rules:

  • And They Shall Know No Fear
  • Bolter Discipline
  • Shock Assault
  • Explodes: If the Primaris Techmarine is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing the model from play. On a 6, the model explodes and each unit within 6" suffers D3 mortal wounds.


  • Bolt pistol
  • Servo-arm: This replaces the Techmarine's left arm and can be equipped with one of the following:
    • Plasma cutter: Range 6", Assault 1, S6, AP-3, D1, re-roll failed wound rolls against Vehicles and Buildings.
    • Meltagun: Range 12", Assault 1, S8, AP-4, D1d6.
    • Thunder hammer: Melee, Sx2, AP-3, D3, -1 to hit.
  • Omnissian power axe: Melee, S+1, AP-2, D1.
  • Frag grenades
  • Krak grenades
  • Iron Halo: Gives the Techmarine a 4+ invulnerable save.


  • Adept of the Omnissiah: The Primaris Techmarine can repair a single friendly <Chapter> vehicle or <Chapter> Dreadnought within 3" at the end of the Movement phase. Roll a D6 for each wound suffered by the model being repaired; on a 4+ that wound is healed.
  • Master of the Forge: The Primaris Techmarine can use the following abilities once per turn:
    • Blessing of the Omnissiah: Select a friendly <Chapter> vehicle or <Chapter> Dreadnought within 6". Until the start of your next turn, that model can re-roll hit rolls of 1 for its ranged weapons.
    • Fury of the Machine God: Select an enemy unit within 6". Until the start of your next turn, friendly <Chapter> models have +1 to hit that unit in the Shooting phase.

This is just a speculative example, and the actual Primaris Techmarine datasheet may differ significantly from this.