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oculus melted charging port

oculus melted charging port

15-03-2023 Hit : 129

If the charging port on your Oculus has melted, it's important to stop using it immediately and take steps to address the issue.

Here are a few steps you can take:

  1. Safety First: Unplug your Oculus from the charger and stop using it. If you're concerned about the potential for a fire, you should also unplug any nearby electronics and move away from the area until you can assess the situation further.

  2. Assess the damage: Take a closer look at the charging port to determine the extent of the damage. If the melted plastic is only on the surface and hasn't damaged any internal components, you may be able to repair it yourself.

  3. Try to clean it: Use a soft-bristled brush to remove any loose debris or melted plastic from the charging port. Be gentle and take care not to damage any of the internal components.

  4. Seek professional help: If the damage is more severe or you don't feel comfortable attempting repairs yourself, you should contact the manufacturer or a professional repair service to have it fixed.

  5. Prevention: To prevent this from happening again, make sure to use the proper charging cable and follow the manufacturer's instructions for charging your Oculus. If you notice any signs of damage or overheating, stop using it immediately and seek professional help.