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How to Make Money Ritual?

How to Make Money Ritual?

14-03-2023 Hit : 153

To ask the universe and attract money into your life, you need to learn some withdrawal rituals. In this article, we talked about the most effective money ritual examples you can use!

In fact, we can manifest anything we want. But at the end of the day, everyone, including the richest man in the world, wants to have more money than they have. Fortunately, there are many money rituals that can help achieve this goal. However, you need to practice first, because practice makes you master. Let’s talk about the most effective money ritual examples that you can apply during the day without further ado…You will need a lot of money for the startup

Money magnet ritual

The money magnet ritual is quite popular as it is very simple to perform. To make things even better, it has also been proven to work in the shortest possible time. For this reason, most people prefer it to many other money rituals.

What you need for the money magnet ritual; mint, warm beeswax and a fire.

Once you have all the ingredients, just before throwing the mint in, light the fire and let it turn to ashes.
Collect mint ash and light a candle on it.

Next, choose a coin and put it in your wallet, imagining that wonderful feeling of earning a lot of money.
This ritual is simple and feel free to experiment as it works perfectly!

The ritual of withdrawing money to the wallet

If you have done enough research on the Internet, you may have come across the ritual of withdrawing money to the wallet. Probably, most spiritually conscious people who want money have already tried it. And those who do it right are likely to see the benefits immediately or shortly thereafter.

All you need for this money ritual is a green candle. Green is known as the color of money and it is exactly what you need to become rich!

Start by lighting the candle and believing that you are about to make a lot of money through many different channels.
Then write the number you want to win on a piece of paper and put it in your wallet and carry it with you.

Money ritual with the right energy

All money rituals require the power of the universe to come into full circle. Therefore, it is important to practice and then acquire the necessary materials. For this ritual; You will need a silver bowl, a handful of coins and two green candles.

Place the coins in the bowl just before placing the candles around it.
Drop the coins clockwise into the bowl to channel the right kind of energy.
You can chant mantras while working on your money rituals to strengthen it.

Money ritual at full moon

We recommend that you always do research on how strong the lunar energy is. And once you do, you will realize the importance of performing a money ritual during the full moon.

Start by closing your eyes and imagining all the gold and silver you have.
Feel free to chant and amplify the vibrations you are sending out into the universe.

The ritual of money in the wallet

For this money ritual you will need to find a wallet that is orange, green, gold, red, brown, black or yellow. The color scheme of your wallet is key because it will determine whether money is drawn to it. Therefore, choose the color wisely. Because these colors symbolize precious metals.

Make sure your wallet is expensive as well as certain colors.
Next, put some money in your wallet and visualize your wallet filling up with money to the point where it can no longer hold.

Bay leaf money ritual

Putting a bay leaf in the wallet is one of the well-known money rituals. The green pigmentation on the bay leaf symbolizes money. But that’s not the only thing that makes this fairly simple money ritual work. To complete its spell, you will need a few banknotes, a flower pot and a jar. Remember, too, that a positive mindset is essential.

Start by placing seven bills in the jar using your right hand.
Then say how much you need the money by saying “Money shines” from time to time.
And always stand behind every word you say to channel the right kind of energy from the universe.
Make sure it all comes from the heart.
Having said that, write your name on the bay leaf before throwing it in the jar. Close the lid immediately after putting the bay leaf in the jar.
Finally, write down the amount of money you want to come and bury it in the flower pot.

Money ritual with magic words

The two things required for this money ritual are your mind and pure willpower. Self-doubt only harms the ritual and weakens the power of the ritual in the process. Once you have decided to attract a lot of money and make you rich, you can begin the rituals.

First, close your eyes and visualize tons of money flowing into the bank, your wallet, and your home safe.
But instead of imagining yourself living at the expense of others and spending lavishly, try focusing on the money that comes and goes.
Besides this ritual, try to find a suitable budget to control your overspending.