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lamotte spin disk 203

lamotte spin disk 203

14-03-2023 Hit : 133

The Lamotte Spin Disk #203 is a water quality testing device used to measure the level of dissolved oxygen in water samples. The device consists of a spinning disk that is partially submerged in the water sample. As the disk spins, it creates a vortex that allows oxygen to be stripped from the water and transferred to a sensor that measures the oxygen concentration.

The Spin Disk #203 is commonly used in environmental monitoring, wastewater treatment, and aquaculture applications to measure dissolved oxygen levels in water. It is designed to be accurate, easy to use, and durable, making it a popular choice among researchers, engineers, and water quality professionals.

To use the Spin Disk #203, the user simply submerges the device in the water sample and turns on the power. The spinning disk creates a vortex that causes oxygen to be transferred to the sensor, which provides a real-time measurement of the dissolved oxygen concentration in the water. The device is battery-powered and portable, making it easy to use in the field or in a laboratory setting.