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lamotte spin disk

lamotte spin disk

14-03-2023 Hit : 138

The Lamotte Spin Disk is a device used for measuring the concentration of suspended solids in water samples. It consists of a flat disk that is spun at a high speed using a motor. As the disk spins, water samples are dripped onto the disk, which causes the suspended solids in the water to separate out and collect at the edge of the disk.

The concentration of suspended solids is then determined by measuring the length of the sedimentation ring that forms at the edge of the disk. This measurement is typically done using a ruler or caliper.

The Lamotte Spin Disk is often used in environmental monitoring, particularly for monitoring the quality of water in lakes, rivers, and other bodies of water. It is a relatively simple and inexpensive method for measuring the concentration of suspended solids, and can be used in the field or in a laboratory setting.