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How to Find the Best Startup Ideas

How to Find the Best Startup Ideas

14-03-2023 Hit : 127

The most difficult issue for people who want to be entrepreneurs and start their own ventures is that they have difficulty in finding good startup ideas.

The reason for this is the mistake that almost all new entrepreneurs fall into, trying to find a brand new innovative idea that no one has seen or heard of before.

Our brain always misleads us when looking for startup ideas.

We either produce made-up ideas in our head, and as a result, we come up with products or services that nobody wants, cares about, or needs, or we try to come up with an idea that no one has done or seen before, because other ideas, concepts have been found.

That’s why we think that success comes by inventing something new. But all these are myths.

Thousands and millions of people have the same ideas. Maybe most of you have Facebook, Uber, Airbnb etc. you thought of ideas even before their founders. But it is not important to think about ideas, to be the first to find them, or to be the founder of the first enterprise in this sense.

The important thing is to successfully implement it. It is to realize.

The best startup ideas often come from the daily needs or problems you encounter.

Most of the time, we encounter problems and shortcomings in our lives, but people with an entrepreneurial mindset look at them as business ideas, ordinary people just complain.

For entrepreneurs, every problem, complaint, deficiency is an opportunity to do something better.

Not only that, but the deficiencies you see in areas, industries, or a product or service you use that you know and understand well are great business ideas. If you say “I can implement it better, I can do it differently”, your business idea is ready.

Entrepreneurs are people who always observe, are aware of, and listen to their surroundings, and they see the problems or deficiencies they encounter as an opportunity by saying that I can do it much better.

Interestingly, it is often those who develop, optimize, and implement ideas, not those who invent and first find out, are the most successful. The best example of this is the Wright brothers who found the plane. It is today’s airline companies that ate the bread of the invention of these brothers.

Google did not come up with the idea of a search engine, it is one of the latest search engine companies, but it is currently the most used search engine in the world.

Facebook is not the first social networking site, but now it dominates the whole world.

Nike, Starbucks, Apple and many other companies are not the first to come up with ideas, they are the companies that best implement, implement and develop the existing ideas.

Famous entrepreneur Richard Branson said, “We founded the Virgin Group of Companies by implementing existing ideas, products and services better than anyone else.”

Coming from scratch with a new idea, product or service is often not an advantage because the risk and uncertainty are too high. There is no demand, no market yet.

Entrepreneurs are people who solve problems and make people’s lives better.

When you encounter ideas, products or services that exist but have not reached their true potential, you can achieve success if you implement them better than anyone else, if you add more value to people.

If you look at it that way, ideas are everywhere. The problems you encounter in your daily life, all the products and services that have not reached their true potential or you are not satisfied with, all the ideas in the fields and sectors you know well.

You can generate hundreds of startup ideas from all of these. You can go online and take ideas that have found success in other countries and apply them to your own market.

You can create a business idea from anything you believe can do better.

It is the entrepreneurs who make the ideas great, not the ideas themselves, it is their vision, their capabilities. Always looking for that perfect idea is therefore a waste of time.

When you really keep your eyes open, ideas are everywhere, but there are very few people who have the courage, desire, hard work, and entrepreneurial spirit and determination to make progress despite all the difficulties.