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How to Find the Best Start Up Ideas

How to Find the Best Start Up Ideas

14-03-2023 Hit : 81

Before moving on to the topic of how to find a start-up idea, it is necessary to understand what a Start-up is. What is a startup? Start up is the establishment of a company in line with the entrepreneurial idea to be implemented, aiming to grow in a short time. If you are moving slowly and step by step to bring the entrepreneurship idea in your mind to life, it is not a Start-up, but rather a corporation.

So how do you come up with a startup idea? Finding good startup ideas can be a challenging process for people who want to start their own startups. Some entrepreneurs decide on a project in a short time, while others stay in the idea stage for a long time. The main mistake of those who stay at this stage for a long time is to try to come up with a unique idea that no one has seen, experienced or heard of before. It is not true or necessary to think that a successful start-up will be created by inventing something new because of coming to the market with products or services that people do not need or care about so that we will be unique. Entrepreneurs are people who always observe, are aware of, and listen to their surroundings, and they can produce ideas and solutions from situations that seem like problems.

We share with you how to find start up ideas in the following 5 steps;

Examine what you see as a problem in your life
Observe yourself or people constantly and try to identify what is most disturbing and therefore needed in your life or, for example, the lives of those around you. In any sector, you can find the elements that impair your quality of life and develop something from them. Once you find the problem, develop your solution, create your business plan, and move forward.

Gain creative experiences in different fields
Inspirational ideas often don’t come from people who think and act in narrow patterns. Engaging in activities that will increase your creativity and inspiration, gaining different and tried experiences, being able to push your limits with unfamiliar situations and experiences also increase your creativity and help you create new ideas.

Make sure you want to get the job done in the long run
You may have come up with an original idea, but you will continue to do it, so it’s important to ask yourself honestly if I still want to continue the startup you started in the next 10 years. Since a subject that you will be eager to work on for 10 years will probably be a field that you are passionate about, and the passion factor is important in success, you should also observe whether your venture contains passion for you.

Do fieldwork related to your industry
It will help you to do field studies in order to come up with a start-up idea. For example, you want to establish a Start-up related to pre-school education, but you do not have an idea about the subject. Going to kindergartens and kindergartens and meeting with the people there will definitely open your horizons. Learning about the problems and needs of these people can help you find ideas.

Build Infrastructure by Participating in a Start-up Project
Working at a start-up company can also help you generate ideas. Working in a newly established start-up and seeing the steps carried out for the project personally can provide you with a different vision. In this way, by witnessing the re-installation of a start-up, you will have experience about possible problems that may happen to you in your own enterprise.

If you look at situations like this in these articles, you will see that ideas are everywhere all the time. You can generate many start up ideas from all of these. Basically, it’s the entrepreneurs, their vision, their perseverance, and their talents that make ideas great, not the ideas themselves. When you observe really well, you will see that ideas are everywhere, the important thing is to have the determination and passion, that is, the entrepreneurial spirit, to keep them going.