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floating disk pathfinder

floating disk pathfinder

14-03-2023 Hit : 90

In Pathfinder, a floating disk is a magical spell that creates a flat, circular platform that can carry up to a certain weight limit and float up to a certain height above the ground. The spell is commonly used to transport heavy items, such as treasure, across difficult terrain or over obstacles.

To cast the floating disk spell in Pathfinder, a character must be able to cast spells and have it prepared or available through a spell slot. The caster must then touch the ground where they want the disk to appear and speak the verbal and somatic components of the spell. The disk can then carry up to a certain weight, determined by the caster's level, and float up to a certain height above the ground.

The path of the floating disk is determined by the caster's will, and it can be moved up to a certain distance each round as a move action. The disk cannot be pushed, pulled, or otherwise moved by outside forces, and it will disappear if it reaches its maximum distance from the caster or if the spell's duration ends.

Overall, the floating disk spell is a useful tool for transporting heavy objects and navigating difficult terrain in Pathfinder, and it can be a valuable asset for characters who need to transport loot or supplies over long distances.