Startup Adjectives
ace of disks thoth

ace of disks thoth

14-03-2023 Hit : 139

The Ace of Disks is a tarot card in the Thoth Tarot deck, which is associated with the element of Earth and represents the potential for material success and abundance.

In the Thoth Tarot, the Ace of Disks is depicted as a large, golden disc with a five-pointed star in the center, surrounded by a ring of lotus petals. This symbolizes the creative power of the universe and the potential for manifestation.

The card represents the beginning of a new venture, project, or phase in life that has the potential to bring material success, wealth, and abundance. It suggests that the querent has the opportunity to use their skills and talents to create something of lasting value, and that they should focus on practical matters such as finances, business, and career.

At the same time, the Ace of Disks reminds the querent that material success alone is not enough for true fulfillment and happiness. It encourages them to cultivate a deeper sense of connection to the earth and to the natural world, and to seek a balance between their material and spiritual pursuits.