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a disk-diffusion test using staphylococcus gave the following results:

a disk-diffusion test using staphylococcus gave the following results:

14-03-2023 Hit : 91

I would need more information about the disk-diffusion test to interpret the results accurately.

The disk-diffusion test, also known as the Kirby-Bauer test, is a common laboratory technique used to determine the sensitivity of bacterial isolates to different antibiotics. In this test, paper disks impregnated with different antibiotics are placed onto a plate of bacterial growth media inoculated with the test organism. If the bacteria are sensitive to the antibiotic, a clear zone of inhibition will appear around the disk as the antibiotic diffuses out into the media and inhibits bacterial growth. The size of the zone of inhibition is measured and compared to established interpretive criteria to determine if the organism is susceptible, intermediate, or resistant to the antibiotic.

To interpret the results of a disk-diffusion test using Staphylococcus, I would need to know:

  1. Which antibiotics were tested and the concentrations of the disks used.
  2. The size of the zone of inhibition around each disk.
  3. The type of Staphylococcus that was tested (e.g. Staphylococcus aureus, coagulase-negative staphylococci, etc.).

With this information, I would be able to determine the susceptibility pattern of the Staphylococcus strain to the antibiotics tested.